How to strengthen our efforts in the fight against CoronaVirus to better handle the cross border tensions and the economic crisis
There are enough evidences that support that more than the cure, which often takes time to be developed, it is the human behaviour and awareness that goes the long way in the fight against any deadly virus. Be it Ebola of West Africa around 2014 or Polio that troubled India since late 1970s till 2012, what helped big time in the fight against these viruses were active mass participation of communities and change of behaviour to better the living conditions. To analyze how India should move forward in its fight against COVID-19, let's try and draw some insights from our fight against Polio. In 2009, India reported the 741 Polio cases, more than any other country. The country faced unique challenges in its fight against this virus. Some of the major ones were high population density, poor sanitation, widespread diarrhoea, and reluctance of many communities to accept the vaccine. It was a humongous task for the Government and the health agencies to overcome these constraints so ...